In Defense of Jesus
I learn'da about Jesus when I was a child. My parents took me to church to learn from the Sunday school. I sat and listened to the stories from the Bible, our class often colored illustrated pictures with crayons and occasionally we watched movies about other kids our age who liked Jesus and prayed to God.
As I grew older, and learned how to read, I admitted to my family my dislike of the Biblical text. It made little sense to me, and was too thick to read.
I left the church, meaning I stopped attending Sunday school or evening service. Around age 13, I became a proud Atheist until I discover Agnosticism and encounter'da a logical argument that silenced my know-it-all 'rants'.
Agnostic logic was subtle. Atheist proclaimed the disbelief in a God. Agnostics could not prove the existence nor the absence of a God. To claim to not know is not to claim , with certainty, that you know ...the non-existence of God.
Atheist Statement = God (or gods) does / do not exist.
Agnostic Statement = I can NOT prove that God does nor does not exist.
After learning from a Agnostic viuw-point, I chose a similar spiritual quest...the quest for greater truth.
I also didn't like the hypocrites, those who had heard about the good examples of Jesus...yet never seemed to follow his guidance, yet praise'da Jesus in name as 'light-of-our-world.'
I never felt like a Christian Trol...when I was a Atheist, I identified myself as a Atheist, I was not a Christian.
Was I a Atheist Trol?
NO! I was not playing a irritating character...I was often irritated by my Christian family, and their friends.
After years of ridiculing my family for celebrating Christian-seasonal-ish-ness...the mockery grew sharper.
For example: Near Easter Sunday, I periodically grew loud. I was never taught why Christians celebrated Easter. Easter seem'da like Halloween, a time for kids to gather on the Church lawn to seek Easter-eggs in the green grass, then laiter, receive a large basket fill'da with Cadbury "bunny eggs" made from chocolate and milk...candies made to appear like mini-chocolate eggs with milky-cream centers, wrap'da in layers of foil. What kid could resist Easter...or Halloween (trick-or-treat)?
I crack' jokes about the 'rabbit-chicken,' and 'chocolate angels' that could only come from chocolate Easter-eggs!
After I became a Atheist, my annoyance increase'da.
After I became less certain of Atheism, as-the-more-rational-viewpoint, I stop'da being a argumentative cynic (for a time).
Part of "moving on" involved "moving past" my old mental blocks.
I argued less with Christians because I had a desire to seek a bigger picture.
Part of "moving on" involved "moving past" my old mental blocks.
I argued less with Christians because I had a desire to seek a bigger picture.
Over a decade ago a new spiritual 'path' seem'da possible.
I stopped being a argumentative cynic and became a beginner, a Buddhist student who sincerely wanted 2 practice.
The 'Not-Troll-Related' Part of My Life:
Laiter, as I learn'da about other Spiritual faiths, I found instructions for the "I Ching" [Pronounced: E-che-ing or (using a different spelling) I-chi-n-ga].
Previously, I had discover'da the 'I Ching' by accident. The book is consider'da by many to be a 'oracle,' and can NOT be read like other books.
I bring this book up, 'caz 1 has 2 now h@w 2 use/read the 'I Ching'.
(I repeat in common text) has to know how to use/read the 'I ching'!
I remember my first encounter with the 'I Ching'.
After 5 minutes I abandon'da this book, believing that the company had printed several accidents, like
If you do not know how to use/read the 'I Ching' you will make mistakes.
If you do not know how to use/read the 'I Ching' you will make mistakes.
My point:
It may be difficult for adults to convert to nuw spiritual faiths.
If an adult is told to be "A Christian," and feels force'da to adopt this faith as his or her truth, I predict animosity and repress'da rebellion.
There are Bibles that are hard to read and comprehend.
There are also Bibles that are impossible to read, hense...eXtremly difficult to understand; although every word may be printed common English.
There are variations in Biblical text that seem truer 2 the Christian faith...and you have to find those versions.
About Institutions... (...also not Troll Related).
I believe there are Christian Monks, who took vows 'to practice,' who may be able to interpret obscure is my belief that a symbolic language is partially preserved in the Bible...Yet, learning from a difficult text is difficult for any person. Learning a difficult subject requires a willingness to invest time in learning.
In Buddhism, the spiritual community is held together by:
- The Dharma (Symbolic of Life)
- The Sangha / San-gah (The spiritual community: people...students, practitioners,visitors...who are found near Buddhist temples...)
- The Buddha ("The Teacher" )
N@w compair this structure:
...Learning from reading 1 book this structure:
Learning from:
- The Dharma
- The Sangha (San-gah)
- The Buddha
- ...and Yourself
Back 2 My Point: Christian Trolls?
I write this because after being bully'da by Christians who acted'da like Trolls, I wanted 2 have little 2 du with Christianity.
I hated feeling force'da towards illogical paths or forced 2 accept illogical teachings...yet, because of the impression I received of Jesus as a child, I never abandon'da my respect for Jesus or the tales of a individual who show'da the better example.
I hated feeling force'da towards illogical paths or forced 2 accept illogical teachings...yet, because of the impression I received of Jesus as a child, I never abandon'da my respect for Jesus or the tales of a individual who show'da the better example.
I am glad I could buy books about other faiths, meet other people, find good guides...not only Christian guidance.
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