Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Hello World!

This Blog is Under Construction.

The Original Fan79518 Channel on YouTube was a channel devoted to YouTube users that I enjoy'da watching. It was my eXperimental attempt at creating a interesting motion-picture "Video" Fan Page!

I challenged myself to respect the Artist I watched on YouTube, and I did a fuw "challenges" along with other members of the YouTube group.

I dis-continue'da the original channel so that I could rest, and work on other areas of interest.

Laiter, I return'da to share some of the positive rewards I gather'da from creating this experimental channel, and from saving old Fan79518  Chanel videos. I returned to YouTube to create a new channel: Fan79518 / Deviant A / Ai .
This was a channel use'da to discussed some successful, and some not successful attempts from the past.

Please visit: Visit: Fan79518 / Deviant A / Ai on YouTube...

 ...and read: Fan79518 Chanel on Yu-tu-bah: The Official Blog!

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